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dc.contributor.editorEditor of work here.en_US
dc.contributor.otherPreservation Department, Stony Brook University Libraries.en_US
dc.contributor.otherCataloging & Metadata Department, Stony Brook University Libraries.en_US
dc.descriptionleave(s) : ill; 28 cm.en_US
dc.descriptionJETP Letters -- November 10, 1999 Volume 70, Issue 9, pp. 565-648 FIELDS, PARTICLES, AND NUCLEI On the left���right asymmetry of the angular distribution of alpha particles from ternary nuclear fission by polarized neutrons G. V. Danilyan Full Text: PDF (33 kB) Suppression of incoherent scattering of M�_ssbauer radiation by nuclei in a reversing magnetic field A. Ya. Dzyublik Full Text: PDF (50 kB) Thermalization of neutrons on cold atoms in magnetic traps D. F. Zaretskii and S. B. Sazonov Full Text: PDF (26 kB) NONLINEAR DYNAMICS On propagation of short pulses in strong dispersion managed optical lines V. E. Zakharov and S. V. Manakov Full Text: PDF (44 kB) PLASMA, GASES Non-Markovian scattering and the condition of applicability for the quasiclassical description of collisions in plasma S. N. Gordienko Full Text: PDF (49 kB) CONDENSED MATTER Effect of oxygen content on the magnetic state of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3���gamma perovskites I. O. Troyanchuk, D. D. Khalyavin, S. V. Trukhanov, G. N. Chobot, and H. Szymczak Full Text: PDF (46 kB) Localization of negatively charged excitons in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells O. V. Volkov, S. V. Tovstonog, I. V. Kukushkin, K. von Klitzing, and K. Eberl Full Text: PDF (67 kB) Oscillations of the thermodynamic properties of a one-dimensional mesoscopic ring caused by Zeeman splitting M. V. Moskalets Full Text: PDF (53 kB) Fermion zero modes on vortices in chiral superconductors G. E. Volovik Full Text: PDF (53 kB) Photoinduced magnetism of ballistic nanostructures L. I. Magarill and A. V. Chaplik Full Text: PDF (83 kB) Excitonic state in quantum wells formed from "above-barrier" electronic states E. A. Mulyarov, N. N. Sibel'din, M. L. Skorikov, V. A. Tsvetkov, and B. Etienne Full Text: PDF (62 kB) Anomalous electric conductivity of lithium under quasi-isentropic compression to 60 GPa (0.6 Mbar). Transition into a molecular phase? V. E. Fortov, V. V. Yakushev, K. L. Kagan, I. V. Lomonosov, V. I. Postnov, and T. I. Yakusheva Full Text: PDF (49 kB) Ferroelectric phase transition in Langmuir���Blodgett films of copper phthalocyanine S. G. Yudin, L. M. Blinov, N. N. Petukhova, and S. P. Palto Full Text: PDF (69 kB) Experimental observation of localization���delocalization of Cooper pairs in Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4 F. S. Nasredinov, N. P. Seregin, and P. P. Seregin Full Text: PDF (30 kB) COMMENTS Is control of the spontaneous decay of the long-lived state of the isotope 119mSn possible? V. I. Vysotskii Full Text: PDF (23 kB) Inhibition of the radioactive decay of the isomer 119mSn S. K. Godovikov Full Text: PDF (16 kB)en
dc.format.extent704899 bytes
dc.format.extent4092 bytes
dc.format.mediumElectronic Resource.en_US
dc.publisherMAIK ���Nauka/Interperiodica��.en
dc.publisherStony Brook University.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesV. 70en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesI. 09en
dc.rightsAll Rights Reserved. Stony Brook University.en_US
dc.rightsAll Rights Reserved. Stony Brook University.en_US
dc.subjectJETP Lettersen
dc.titleJETP Letters V. 70, I .09en
dc.description.contributorThe content contained herein is maintained and curated by the Preservation Department.en_US
dc.description.contributorThis record is revised and maintained by the content administrators from the Cataloging & Metadata Department.en_US
dc.publisher.locationStony Brook, NY.en_US

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