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dc.contributor.editorEditor of work here.en_US
dc.contributor.otherPreservation Department, Stony Brook University Libraries.en_US
dc.contributor.otherCataloging & Metadata Department, Stony Brook University Libraries.en_US
dc.descriptionleave(s) : ill; 28 cm.en_US
dc.descriptionTechnical Physics -- July 1998 Volume 43, Issue 7, pp. 743-875 Electrostatic field of a thin, unclosed spherical shell and a torus G. Ch. Shushkevich Full Text: PDF (136 kB) Features of the hydrodynamic pressure field of an electric explosion in an equilibrium gas���liquid medium V. G. Kovalev Full Text: PDF (280 kB) Structure and parameters of the shock layer formed when a supersonic underexpanded jet interacts with a counterpropagating hypersonic flow in the transition regime N. Yu. Bykov and G. A. Luk'yanov Full Text: PDF (146 kB) Pressure dynamics during shock loading of aqueous foams E. I. Vasil'ev, S. Yu. Mitichkin, V. G. Testov, and Hu Haibo Full Text: PDF (110 kB) High-pressure magnetron sputtering: gas-phase processes A. G. Znamenskii and V. A. Marchenko Full Text: PDF (598 kB) Stability of charged drops of spheroidal shapes with respect to axisymmetric deformation A. I. Grigor'ev, S. O. Shiryaeva, and S. I. Shchukin Full Text: PDF (88 kB) Classical limiting values of energy production in the D���3He plasma of an ambipolar reactor V. I. Khvesyuk, N. V. Shabrov, D. V. Semenov, and A. N. Lyakhov Full Text: PDF (130 kB) Study of the leader of a spark discharge over a water surface V. P. Belosheev Full Text: PDF (162 kB) Prominent characteristics of the decay of a photoplasma generated by radiation from an annular sliding discharge N. A. Popov Full Text: PDF (101 kB) Conditions for the existence of a positively charged structure in a Penning discharge S. P. Nikulin Full Text: PDF (148 kB) Changes in the fine structure of grain boundaries, induced by the absorption of helium, and helium embrittlement V. I. Gerasimenko, I. M. Mikhailovskii, I. M. Neklyudov, A. A. Parkhomenko, and O. A. Velikodnaya Full Text: PDF (322 kB) Mechanical properties of materials and the object of description in gauge theories Yu. V. Grinyaev and N. V. Chertova Full Text: PDF (109 kB) Piezoelectric properties of oriented Z[prime] cuts of PZT-type ferroelectric ceramics M. G. Minchina and V. P. Dudkevich Full Text: PDF (103 kB) Nuclear pumping of a carbon monoxide laser V. A. Zherebtsov Full Text: PDF (112 kB) Theory of scanning near-field magnetooptical microscopy V. A. Kosobukin Full Text: PDF (141 kB) Extracting microwave energy from a cavity by mode conversion at a coupling window S. N. Artemenko, V. A. Avgustinovich, and Yu. G. Yushkov Full Text: PDF (140 kB) Magnetostatic volume waves in exchange-coupled ferrite films S. L. Vysotskii, G. T. Kazakov, Yu. A. Filimonov, and A. V. Maryakhin Full Text: PDF (255 kB) Mechanisms and kinetics of the initial stages of growth of films grown by chemical vapor deposition D. A. Grigor'ev and S. A. Kukushkin Full Text: PDF (127 kB) Optical properties of liquid gallium���indium alloy L. A. Akashev and V. I. Kononenko Full Text: PDF (40 kB) Analysis of the focusing efficiency of pulsed pressure waves as a function of the initial amplitude distribution and temporal profile �. V. Ivanov and Yu. V. Sud'enkov Full Text: PDF (87 kB) Analysis of the conditions for ultradeep penetration of powder particles into a metallic matrix S. E. Aleksentseva and A. L. Krivchenko Full Text: PDF (51 kB) Numerical analysis and synthesis of electron-optical systems of complex structure. II S. K. Dyomin, S. I. Safronov, and R. P. Tarasov Full Text: PDF (122 kB) Calculating the thermodynamic parameters of dense gases and weakly ionized plasmas including three-body interactions A. I. Vovchenko, I. A. Mulenko, and V. B. Solovei Full Text: PDF (76 kB) Growth of negative filamentary crystals during spark cutting of silicon carbide V. A. Karachinov Full Text: PDF (168 kB) Enhancing the intensity of x-ray reflection from surfaces by depositing diamondlike carbon films on them A. M. Baranov Full Text: PDF (42 kB) Annular laser speckle patterns Yu. V. Vasil'ev, A. V. Kozar', E. F. Kuritsyna, and A. E. Luk'yanov Full Text: PDF (163 kB) Influence of deformation on the force characteristics of shape memory effects in alloys based on titanium nickelide T. Yu. Maletkina and V. �. Gyunter Full Text: PDF (56 kB)en
dc.format.extent3543447 bytes
dc.format.extent6161 bytes
dc.format.mediumElectronic Resource.en_US
dc.publisherMAIK ���Nauka/Interperiodica��.en
dc.publisherStony Brook University.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesV. 43en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesI. 07en
dc.rightsAll Rights Reserved. Stony Brook University.en_US
dc.rightsAll Rights Reserved. Stony Brook University.en_US
dc.subjectTechnical Physicsen
dc.titleTechnical Physics V. 43, I. 07en
dc.description.contributorThe content contained herein is maintained and curated by the Preservation Department.en_US
dc.description.contributorThis record is revised and maintained by the content administrators from the Cataloging & Metadata Department.en_US
dc.publisher.locationStony Brook, NY.en_US

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