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dc.descriptionAcoustical Physics -- September 2001 Volume 47, Issue 5, pp. 503-632 Effect of the Variability of Hydrological Conditions on the Sound Field Interference Structure in a Shelf Region A. A. Aredov, V. I. Neklyudov, and A. V. Furduev pp. 503-506 Full Text: PDF (209 kB) A Theorem on the Representation of the Field of Forced Vibrations of a Composite Elastic System Yu. I. Bobrovnitskii pp. 507-510 Full Text: PDF (56 kB) Effect of the Sediment Layer on the Diffraction Focusing of an Acoustic Field in a Shallow Sea E. L. Borodina and Yu. V. Petukhov pp. 511-516 Full Text: PDF (379 kB) The Ray Approach for Analyzing the Modal Structure of the Sound Field in a Range-Dependent Waveguide A. L. Virovlyanskii, L. Ya. Lyubavin, and A. A. Stromkov pp. 517-523 Full Text: PDF (121 kB) Acoustic Mapping of the Ocean Bottom and Requirements of the Initial Data V. I. Volovov, S. A. Vladimirov, V. I. Gel'fgat, A. I. Govorov, V. S. Gostev, and L. N. Nosova pp. 524-528 Full Text: PDF (94 kB) Acoustic Streaming with Resonance Gas Oscillations in a Cylindrical Tube R. G. Galiullin, L. A. Timokhina, and S. E. Filipov pp. 529-533 Full Text: PDF (68 kB) Spatial Correlation of the Sound Field in an Ocean Shelf Zone O. P. Galkin, R. Yu. Popov, Yu. V. Semenov, and E. V. Simakina pp. 534-539 Full Text: PDF (88 kB) Regional Variability of the Phenomenon of Sound Penetration into Shadow Zones in the Ocean with Fine-Structure Stratification V. S. Gostev and R. F. Shvachko pp. 540-547 Full Text: PDF (118 kB) Elastic Properties of Dense Nanotube Layers I. S. Grudzinskaya, Z. Ya. Kosakovskaya, V. N. Reshetov, and A. A. Chaban pp. 548-551 Full Text: PDF (115 kB) Leaky Stoneley Waves at a Moving Interphase Boundary Yu. V. Gulyaev and N. S. Shevyakhov pp. 552-555 Full Text: PDF (58 kB) The Spatial Structure of the Acoustic Wave Field Generated in the Atmosphere by a Point Explosion Ya. V. Drobzheva and V. M. Krasnov pp. 556-564 Full Text: PDF (112 kB) Employment of the Scattering Amplitude in Solving the Diffraction Problems for Waves in a Halfspace A. V. Zatserkovnyi, V. A. Sergeev, and B. P. Sharfarets pp. 565-571 Full Text: PDF (99 kB) Potentialities of Cepstral Analysis in Refining the Reciprocal Delays and Amplitudes of Signals V. A. Zverev and A. A. Stromkov pp. 572-577 Full Text: PDF (68 kB) Visualization of Blood Flow by Ultrasound Speckle Interferometry N. V. Zuikova, T. V. Kondrat'eva, and V. D. Svet pp. 578-584 Full Text: PDF (108 kB) Analytical Representations for the Transient Admittance of a Plate Vibrating in a Medium M. B. Korotyaev and D. P. Kouzov pp. 585-590 Full Text: PDF (77 kB) Radiation and Scattering of Sound Waves in Oceanic Waveguides V. M. Kuz'kin pp. 591-597 Full Text: PDF (89 kB) A Nonlinear Granular Medium with Particle Rotation: A One-Dimensional Model S. A. Lisina, A. I. Potapov, and V. F. Nesterenko pp. 598-606 Full Text: PDF (195 kB) The Scattering of Flexural Waves by Random Fractal Inhomogeneities in a Thin Plate M. L. Lyamshev pp. 607-610 Full Text: PDF (49 kB) Characteristics of Receiving Antenna Arrays Measured in a Shallow Sea D. A. Orlov and V. I. Turchin pp. 611-617 Full Text: PDF (161 kB) Acoustic Characteristics of a Multichannel Long Line of the Flexural Type V. V. Tyutekin pp. 618-622 Full Text: PDF (73 kB) SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Acoustic Measurements in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow and the Problem of Speech Intelligibility in Large Orthodox Cathedrals M. Yu. Lannie and V. N. Sukhov pp. 623-625 Full Text: PDF (193 kB) The Scattering of Flexural Waves Propagating in a Plate from a Chain of Resonators Mounted on It A. D. Lapin pp. 626-628 Full Text: PDF (38 kB) The Relation between the Tangential Stresses on a Rigid Wall and the Pressure Fluctuations Generated in a Turbulent Boundary Layer S. A. Rybak pp. 629-631 Full Text: PDF (49 kB) INFORMATION XII Session of the Russian Acoustical Society and the IX Workshop on Ocean Acoustics Dedicated to the 85th Birthday of Academician L.M. Brekhovskikh p. 632 Full Text: PDF (13 kB)en
dc.format.extent2346908 bytes
dc.format.extent6493 bytes
dc.publisherMAIK ���Nauka/Interperiodica��.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesV. 47en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesI. 05en
dc.rightsAll Rights Reserved. Stony Brook University.en_US
dc.titleAcoustical Physics, V. 47, I. 05en

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